Guiltless Blogging!Chris decided to launch his blog, Guiltless Pleasures, exhorting us all to be free with our formerly dirty little secrets - my Judge Judy viewership is no longer in the closet! Check it out at, link is on the right.
One of these days, I'll get Mike to actually start a blog... wow, I almost made it through that sentence without snorting. Maybe I can at least get him to guest post here.
Finished off two reader reports last night. If you've never heard of Christopher Moore, go to a bookstore or library right now and familiarize yourself. I recommend "Lamb: The Gospel According to Bigg, Christ's Childhood Pal". He is hilarious. I just finished the reader report for his upcoming "A Dirty Job" which, if you're a fan of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett like I am, you will truly appreciate. It won't be out until April '06, so I don't want to divulge too much here. But it is a great book. So read his stuff now , so you won't look like a bandwagon jumper by April.
Then there was "Tom Brown Saves the World", which I read for my beloved ISO. As I said in my reader report, I'm begging my IQ not to hold it against me. Twenty-something slacker husgband is bored with his life, wishes he was a rock star. Martians use a snowboarding accident to insert him into a parallel reality where he ends up touring with a queer punk band. It only gets more bizarre from there. I get that the author was making a statement about selling out, about how we're such a materialistic society and controlled by advertising and the media, but this book was ALL over the place. My head hurt for about an hour afterward. There's so much better stuff out there!
Preparing for the 'big day' today - loaded my MP3 player up with lots of Duran Duran, Yaz, Depeche Mode, Eurythmics - basically, nothing after 1987 (except for the new Duran CD). Told Stephan, the Parents' Association Pres at PS 139 that I'll see him Monday... and Tuesday, and Wednesday... we laughed. I'm terrified but hopeful. Hopefully things will cook up and happen. Gotta make my own luck and I'm trying to just see all of this as leading somewhere good. Sometimes you have to get cut by a few thorns and run through a few thickets to get to the better place.
A friend of mine from PS 139 gave me two lottery tickets this morning. Sometimes, people don't suck nearly as much as you think. At least, the ones you get to know.
Stuck to program nicely this morning. English muffin (lite, whole grain - 1 point) with some of that yummy honey Country Crock spread (2 points). Cup of soy milk (3 points). Now I'm off for more coffee.
Off to one of my last meetings, I guess.