Friday, January 06, 2006


I have a zit on my nose that deserves its own zip code. I'm 35, for crying out loud. WTF?


Stacey said...

Yeah, I had one, and my husband started calling me Sirus the Dogstar.

Roe said...

Niiiice. He's so sweet...

Lauren said...

I'm just gald i finally taught myself about make-up. Big drawback to having a hippie mom in high school.

Roe said...

Yeah, my mom never wore it either, so I still look like a drag queen when I wear it...

Stacey said...

My mom used to wear so much it wasn't even funny. I mean come on, my aunt still wears panty hose with shorts. But that was my rebellion for a long time, no make-up. I still don't wear much.

Lauren said...

I don't wear much either, but it's nice to be able to feel good about how you look on days when you really need it.

Chris said...

Sirus the Dogstar? I'm ashamed, but I don't get the reference :(

Roe said...

If I could just learn how to choose a lipstick shade that doesn't make me look like Bozo the Clown, I'd be thrilled to bits. Oh, and how the heck does one put on eyeliner without looking like a beated housewife?

You think after 20 years of Duran Duran worship, I'd have this stuff down cold. But no.

Lauren said...

I found "my" first lipstick color trying on everything in the bathroom drawer while babysitting. Wow, that was a long time ago, but a happy memory.

Stacey said...

I still can't do eyeliner... I have decided not to bother...