Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New LOST Tonight!

Well, the planets must be aligning because FINALLY, we're getting a new episode of Lost tonight. Hands up, who thinks Sun will be pregnant and have another island baby? Who thinks Jin will be the next one killed off?

I haven't had a chance to watch this Monday's 24 yet - hoping to sit down and watch that tonight. Will they kill off more of CTU? I still think they should have had the blasted cougar eat Jack's daughter back in Season 2, because even in a 2-episode appearance, she's as annoying as ever. And man, did Tommy Howell get old looking. I remember when he was Ponyboy back in 1984, I was in love. There was the unfortunate Soul Man movie a few years later, but regardless, he was pretty cute for a while there.

Still coughing and dealing with the annoying tickle in my throat, but I'm alive and back at work.


Stacey said...

soul man... ha ha hahaha....

Roe said...

That movie was so bad, can you imagine something like that getting made today?

Stacey said...

Yes... White Chicks...

Roe said...

I thought of that too, but that's the reverse. The outcry of having a white guy disguise himself as a black guy in order to gain a minority scholarship? I can almost hear the rage...

Stacey said...

true, couldn't happen