Sock Hop socks from Creative Knitting. Oh, Cynical Knitting Gal, how I love you for this yarn. Are these not the perfect Fall socks? Now I have even more reason to wish for the cool weather.
Kimono socks, baby! I think I need to make myself another pair of these in another color, because they were so much fun. After all the baby showers and Christmas gifts are out of the way...
Twisty Hat! Yup, it's the same yarn I used on the kimono socks; I had enough left over to make this hat for Mike's cousin. I like baby hats, and having done this pattern once before for Baby Boyd, I thought I'd revisit it. The seemingly endless ribbing gets a little tedious, but it's perfect for television watching.
Don't remember if I posted an earlier picture of the Celtic Cable neckwarmer, so here you go. Baby Alpaca. Ahhhh... now I just have to get off my keester, head down to MJ Trimming, and get three lousy buttons. I think I may do a little single crochet around the edges too, just to give it a more finished look.
See? I can be productive... just not at work...
Damn I am scared of you!
I wish I could find my productivity again. I think this will end up as a year where I have knit the least since my first years as a knitter.
What exactly is an "Umbilical Cord Cap?"
I still can't get over the elaborate knitting patterns... the holes in uniform spacing... wha???
The Umbilical Cord Cap is that hat I make for every baby shower. :) I had one for Lauren, although I'm not sure I ended up doing one for Kevin since I was working on the Grand Layette Idea.
Don't be scared of me, Nancy, I was full of sloth for so long and it all just kind of burst. :) Besides, aren't you filling out high school applications at the moment? You've got a few things on your mind. :)
Wow! Beautful, Roe!! You put many people to shame with these :)
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