Monday, October 13, 2008

Drive-By Blogging

It's a quick 'n dirty post tonight, but I've finally done it.

I've cleaned my apartment. Yes, Mike and the boys were conscripted into helping, but it is clean. I think I need to get an .avi file of Zelda Rubenstein announcing that "This house is clean" and just play it over and over again.

What the hell am I going to do in two weeks when it looks like the 'before' picture?

Off to knit and watch Dexter...


Nancy Wetmore-Mathews said...

Now I'm really scared of you. Yesterday when I finished mopping the dining room and kitchen I just kept thinking that I needed Zelda Rubenstein to come say, "this house is clean"

Get out of my head!!!


Stacey said...

great minds think alike... :)