Thursday, September 29, 2005

What is Better? remain in a job where you're miserable, but receiving a paycheck and health insurance for your family, or take a gamble, leave the job, and pray something else works out?

I just don't know if it's worth getting out of bed anymore. I'm so miserable.


Linda said...

Hey Roe,

I know things are hard now. Maybe through networking there something better will come along. I recently took a second pt job, and while a detour from my career, we can use the extra dough, so I'm sticking it out for now...but I know how it all can seem like an uphill climb. Hang in there.

Stacey said...

Are there any options for "lateral moves" over there? Internal job postings?

Roe said...

It's just not a great company at all. I am just biding my time for now. Sitting tight.

Linda said...

I'm down for getting together when you can. It sucks that this isn't working out, although I would've thought Scholastic would've been a great place. My old boss from 32BJ used to work there. I guess it all depends on who you're working with, though.

You mentioned that your dad has not been well either. I hope that he feels better.

Stacey said...

I think we need a girls night out. I'm going to try and plan a dinner and movie night sometime this month I think.

Roe said...

That sounds good. I think we all need a break from life, where we don't have to actually think for a few hours at least.